
Checkout what is going on at Cornerstone Community Church!

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men:  Come enjoy a full breakfast, a brief Bible teaching geared to equip men, discussion and prayer. College-age up and friends are welcome! Date:  Saturday, December 14 from 8:00-9:30am…

Prepare Him Room with Jennifer Rothschild

Ladies, please join us on the evening of Sunday, December 15 for this special event! Cornerstone is a local host church for Lifeway Women’s virtual event “Prepare Him Room” with…

Christmas Caroling & Open House

Join us for a fun evening of Christmas caroling in a local neighborhood, followed by Open House at the home of Pastor Michael & Chelsy Goacher. Caroling groups will begin…

Children’s Ministry Christmas Party

Children (preschool -5th grade) will celebrate the birth of our Savior with a Christmas party on Sunday, December 22! To sign up to bring an item for the party or…

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Come worship with us this Christmas Eve! We will gather to pray, hear a timely message from God’s word, and sing carols by candlelight, all in the beautiful surroundings of…

Fifth Sunday – Grade School in 10am Service

A few times a year, there are five Sundays in the month. On this day, grade school children (Kindergarten – 5th grade) will join their families for the entire 10am…

First Sunday Prayer & Communion

On the first Sunday of each month, we have a church prayer meeting from 9:15 – 9:45am in the Kindred Oaks house (all ages welcome, and childcare provided). Then we…

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men, join us for a full breakfast and discussion at your next men’s breakfast. College-age up and friends are welcome! The men will be discussing Chapter 1 from the…

Student Ministry Meetings Resume

On January 15, Students 6th – 12th grade will resume meeting on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm for fellowship, games, worship, and Bible study. Cornerstone @Kindred Oaks is located at 2100 CR…

Abide – Women’s Retreat

  What better way to begin the new year than learning how to abide in Jesus? Ladies, we invite you to spend the day with us at our winter women’s…

Worship & Prayer Night

Join us for a church wide worship & prayer night on Wednesday, January 29. After praying and fasting throughout the month of January, we will gather to worship together in…