
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

Children are a priority in the disciple-making ministries of Cornerstone. Our goal is to partner with our parents so that parents are supported and equipped to help their children come to know and grow in Christ early on in their life.

Our children’s ministry is designed for children who are in preschool through elementary school. In our Sunday meetings we work to build a strong, Gospel-centered foundation for children. We do this by teaching them about the nature and character of God: that God is holy, loving, forgiving and all powerful.  

  • Children ages infant through preschool go to the preschool room in the Kindred Oaks house, led by dedicated leaders who teach them. They have Bible lessons, play games, make crafts and get to play on the playground during their meeting time. Check-in opens at 9:45am.
  • Children who are of elementary school age join their parents in the worship service. This gives families the chance to experience worship together and participate in the full church. Elementary aged students are released to go to their Sunday School class just before the sermon.

To ensure the safety of the children God entrusts to us, all children’s ministry volunteers who are eighteen years of age and older pass background checks and complete MinistrySafe training before serving in our ministries. 

Contact the Children’s Ministry