
For a glance at Cornerstone’s 2025 Calendar, click here. Scroll through the calendar below for more details on all events.

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men, join us for a full breakfast and discussion at your next men’s breakfast. Friends college-age up are welcome! The men will be discussing Chapter 11 from the book…

Better Together

Ladies college age & up, please join us for our next Better Together on Friday, November 14 at 7:00pm. We will enjoy fellowship, a brief Bible teaching, discussion, and prayer.…

Fifth Sunday & Children Singing

A few times a year, there are five Sundays in the month. On this day, grade school children (Kindergarten – 5th grade) will join their families for the entire 10am…

First Sunday Prayer & Communion

On the first Sunday of each month, we have a church prayer meeting from 9:15 – 9:45am in the Kindred Oaks house. All ages are welcome, and childcare is provided.…

Ornament Exchange

Ladies college age & up, please join us for a Christmas Ornament Exchange on Sunday, December 7 at 6:30pm. Contact Women’s Ministry Leader Donna Reed for more information: (512) 981-8213…

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men, join us for a full breakfast and discussion at your next men’s breakfast. Friends college-age up are welcome! The men will be discussing Chapter 12 from the book…

Christmas Eve at Cornerstone

Come worship with us on Christmas Eve! We will sing timeless carols by candlelight and hear a special message from Pastor Michael, all in the beautiful surroundings of Kindred Oaks.