
For a glance at Cornerstone’s 2025 Calendar, click here. Scroll through the calendar below for more details on all events.

Worship & Prayer Night

  Join us for a church wide worship & prayer night on Wednesday, January 29. After praying and fasting throughout the month of January, we will gather to worship together in song and in guided prayer, collectively humbling ourselves before God and seeking His will for our lives, church, community, and beyond. Childcare is provided…

First Sunday Prayer & Communion

On the first Sunday of each month, we have a church prayer meeting from 9:15 – 9:45am in the Kindred Oaks house. All ages are welcome, and childcare is provided. Pastor Michael will lead the time of prayer, providing a printed handout and guidance for various prayer needs in our church and community on this…

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men, join us for a full breakfast and discussion at your next men’s breakfast. Friends college-age and up are welcome! The men will be discussing Chapter 2 from the book Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. If you don’t have the book yet, please order your own paperback copy of updated…

Children’s Ministry Parents Meeting

Parents, we invite you to come and hear the latest updates on our Children’s Ministry! We are excited to share about the ways we are serving and supporting your children in their discipleship to Jesus. Please join us for a brief meeting directly after service on Sunday, February 9th in the Kindred Oaks House. Contact Children’s Ministry…

Members Meeting – Facility Team Update

Please plan to stay after the worship service for a special Cornerstone members meeting on Sunday, February 16. The Facility Team will provide an update on the team’s recent exploration of facility options, and then members will have the opportunity to vote on next steps. Not a member yet? We hope you’ll still attend this…

Better Together

“There’s no such thing as a perfect woman” – – Want to know what the Bible says about that? Ladies college age & up, please join us for our next Better Together on Friday, February 21 at 7:00pm. We will enjoy fellowship, a brief Bible teaching, discussion, and prayer. February’s Better together will be held…

Children Singing in Worship Service

Each month, our children learn a new hymn that embodies the truths about God and themselves that they are learning about. On Sunday, February 23rd, they will be sharing their hymn with the church during worship service. This is a wonderful way for our children to have a deeper connection within the church body and…

Cornerstone Membership Class

Church membership helps us grow in our discipleship to Jesus, because through it we grow in our connection to Jesus’ church. Our membership class will explain the beliefs and driving mission of Cornerstone as well as the benefits of membership. Our next membership class is on Sunday, February 23, 12-2pm and includes lunch and childcare. Please…

Love Leander 2025

Love Leander is a day when churches in Leander show the love of Jesus to our neighbors in need through service projects at their homes. This year, Love Leander will be on Saturday, March 1st, from 9am-12noon. To sign up, email Drew Coster at or fill out the sign-up sheet at The Spot on…

First Sunday Prayer & Communion

On the first Sunday of each month, we have a church prayer meeting from 9:15 – 9:45am in the Kindred Oaks house. All ages are welcome, and childcare is provided. Pastor Michael will lead the time of prayer, providing a printed handout and guidance for various prayer needs in our church and community on this…

Student Volunteer Meeting

Students (6th-12th grade) who volunteer in Cornerstone Kids Elementary, please join us for a brief meeting directly after service on Sunday, March 2nd in the Kindred Oaks House. Contact Children’s Ministry Coordinator Emily Meinhart at for more information.

Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Men, join us for a full breakfast and discussion at your next men’s breakfast. Friends college-age and up are welcome! The men will be discussing Chapter 3 from the book Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. If you don’t have the book yet, please order your own paperback copy of updated…