Love God supremely
Love people sacrificially
Disciple others to do the same

Being Strengthened in Tribulation – John 16:16-33

Everyone faces tribulation as they live in this fallen world, but those who follow Jesus will especially face tribulation as they stand for his righteous values. Fortunately, there are resources that God has given us to help us. Join our study in John 16:16-33 as Jesus teaches about being strengthened in tribulation.


Being Helped by the Holy Spirit – John 15:26-16:15

Jesus taught his disciples that they can expect being hated by the world. But Jesus doesn’t just leave us to suffer on our own. That’s because following his teaching on being hated by the world, he teaches on being helped by the Holy Spirit. Join our study in John 15:2616:15, as we learn two main ways the Holy Spirit helps us as we follow Jesus in the hostile world.


Being Hated by the World – John 15:18-25

None of us like being disliked. And we especially don’t like being hated by others. And while we may assume that following Jesus is going to lead to a life of joy and love, it also leads to rejection and hatred by the world. Join our study in John 15:18-25 as we learn what Jesus has to say about being hated by the world. This will help prepare every believer to endure it when it happens.


What is Your Vision? Learning to be an Agent of God’s Glory – Isaiah 6:1-13

Our vision at Cornerstone Community Church is to see “God glorified in and through us from here to the ends of the earth”. As we study together from Isaiah 6, we will look at Isaiah’s vision of God’s Glory and His holiness and learn about how we too can become an agent of God’s Glory in our everyday lives.


Abiding in Jesus – John 15:1-17

Many people in the world claim to believe in Jesus. But the conversation about knowing Jesus might be different if the conversation included abiding in Jesus. Rather than knowing him from a distance, Jesus calls his followers to abide in him. Those who do bear fruit and those who don’t are going to face a great loss. Join our study in John 15:1-17 as we learn about the importance of abiding in Jesus.



10:00 AM Sundays at Kindred Oaks

2100 County Road 176
Leander, TX 78628

Upcoming Events

At the Table – Neighbor Outreach

July 26, 2024 at 12:00am

On the weekend of July 26-28, we encourage Cornerstone families to invite some neighbors over for dinner or dessert on that Friday, Saturday or Sunday night. Many families in our cities…


Conversational Apologetics

August 1, 2024 at 6:00pm

Are you ready to not only defend your faith but also deepen your understanding of what you believe and why? We’ll follow the command from 1 Peter 3:15, which urges…


First Sunday Prayer & Communion

August 4, 2024 at 9:15am

On the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Michael will lead a time of prayer from 9:15 – 9:45am in the Kindred Oaks house. Then we hope you’ll stay for…


Students Bible Study

August 7, 2024 at 6:30pm

Students 6th-12th grade will meet for fellowship, games, worship, and Bible study. When: Wednesday, August 7 from 6:30-8:00pm Where:  Cornerstone @Kindred Oaks 2100 CR 176, Leander, TX 78628. For more…


Second Saturday Men’s Breakfast

August 10, 2024 at 8:00am

Cornerstone Men:  Come enjoy a full breakfast, a brief Bible teaching geared to equip men, discussion and prayer. College-age up and friends are welcome! Date:  Saturday, August 10 from 8:00-9:30am…